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Goal Reflection Essay:

A Goal Revision Consistent with the TPACK Framework

When I applied to the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program through MSU in the summer of 2013, my learning objectives were clearly defined in a goal statement that I submitted as evidence of my interest in the program. According to this document, at the time of my application I was most interested in learning about new technologies that I would be able to use to improve my practice as a science educator.  Throughout the MAET program, my goals have evolved and become considerably more encompassing.  I am now focused upon meaningfully integrating technology into my practice in a way that is consistent with my teaching pedagogy and the intricacies of the biology curriculum that I am teaching. 


Most accurately, my intent upon entering the MAET program was to hone my skills with technology to better support my students in the classroom.  Unfortunately, I was more interested in learning to use specific programs than I was to actually improve my pedagogical approach to teaching.  In my original goal statement, I indicated that I had very specific goals for my graduate coursework.  These goals were listed as follows: 1) creating a comprehensive class website, 2) enhancing my existing online teaching portfolio, 3) offering students opportunities for online learning, and 4) using equipment and technology that is science-specific to improve learning outcomes.  Although I did mention in my goal statement that these goals were not exclusive, I believe that they are representative of my narrow focus at the time.  While I feel that I have certainly accomplished these goals as a result of my participation in my MAET program, my goals are now more comprehensive and over-arching than they were at the beginning of my teaching career. 


A pervasive theme throughout my graduate coursework has been the importance of integrating technology in a manner that is consistent with the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework (TPACK).  TPACK describes the types of knowledge needed by an educator who effectively uses educational technology to improve learning outcomes and enhance the student experience.  Specifically, technology must be integrated in a way that reconciles the affordances of the technology, the content being taught and the pedagogical approach of the teacher.  After reading extensive literature on TPACK and employing the framework in my own classroom, my goals as a 21st century educator have most certainly been revamped.  In the past, I developed immaterial technology-driven lessons that were solely focused upon the technology itself and less upon how that technology might support the students’ mastery of the curriculum.  My coursework through the MAET program has caused me to reevaluate the goals that I have for technology use in my classroom.  As such, the technologies that I now use in my classroom closely mirror my teaching pedagogy and are appropriate for the content being addressed. 


In short, my graduate coursework has made me feel empowered.  I feel confident in using my instructional technology expertise beyond the scope of a traditional classroom.  As such, my goals have an educator have expanded to include roles as an educational technology specialist in higher education or in the corporate sector.  I hope to pursue these career options more seriously upon my graduation from Michigan State in May.  

Beth Ottolini 

21st Century Educator & Life-Long Learner
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